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Thursday, July 2, 2009, 7/02/2009 03:46:00 PM
Just eu
Alarm rang at 7+ .Really too tired to even open my eyes so i sleep back. Woke up at 10+ when i'm suppose to reach sch at 830am. No one was at home. Seldom can sleep until 10+ when i'm having fyp now. So i thought can slack at home awhile more before i go to sch but i'm wrong. I just have to leave the house as fast as i could cos i REALLY think alot and get really emo when i'm alone at home. It was about lunch time when i reach sch. Had lunch with jr, wilson and Alan. After that, back to my lab again. Everyone was giving me the omg face. It was about 2pm. HAIS. i'm still stuck at my work. I really wish an angel is here to help me, guide me =( I hate being independent. Others seem very relaxed except me. Maybe this is the consequence of last min work. Presentation is on next wednesday , 1020am . I love taking photos nowadays =) , me&myself. Who is the person eu think of before eu go to bed every night and the moment eu wake up every morning? I'm not lying, it's eu. Every photo of me, i hope one day, there will be another eu beside. ![]() |