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Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 4/06/2010 03:59:00 AM
No one will stay with eu forever. Even the one eu thought that will stay by your side leaves eu too. I think i've sort of understand this sentence. So in my workplace, people seems to be leaving or being transferred out one by one. D says that he wanted to leave too. Maybe alittle sad. But well, people come and go. We feel sad because we are not 'used' to the new environment, not used to without having that person eu used to have, used to work with. After a period of time when we are used to it, everything will be fine. That day i had a talk with Elgin. Kind of find him mature in some ways sometimes. & I'm determined to change this time. ATTITUDE. Sometimes, sorry can only be used ONCE. Some are really friends that i'll never wana lose. Trust myself that i'll put in effort this time. As long as i manage to pull through, my life will be better :) I'm consider fortunate. At least i don't have to support myself. At least my parents hold a job. At least i still have that little bit of freedom. So i should just stop complaining always. Stop being so emotional. The past can never be erased. I missed that chance. I don't wana look back again. Suddenly, i missed my practical lessons. & Seriously, i hope to pass my TP FAST. eXcItEd** =D && My working hours sucks. Only 1 day off this week. I can't go out enjoy with friends! =( I wonder, Why am i working so hard? |